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Thursday, August 20, 2015 long last, updates to the Live Response Collection!!

Hello again readers! I am happy to announce, after many long months in development (and due to a pretty busy six months, about six months later than I had originally planned) an updated version of the Live Response Collection is available!

The first item that you will probably note is the Windows folder looks very different. I wanted to provide a cleaner look for users, so when you run the LRC against a system it is easier to find the output folder. By having four main folders, instead of about 35, the results will be much easier to see. I moved all of the "tools" into the folder cleverly named "Tools", and all of the scripts into the similarly cleverly named folder "Scripts". While this does not change the function of the tools, it does slightly change file paths leveraged by the old scripts, so you will have to update any custom changes that you made for your environment.

New Windows folder structure

Within the "Scripts" folder I also began the process of what I am calling "Modules", which I started for several reasons. Since all six scripts share a lot of code and functionality, I wanted to reduce the overall size of each file by leveraging code that they share. It makes the maintenance and updates for the LRC easier. It also allows easier user customization, because instead of trying to figure out which large section of code they want to use (or not to use) you can just choose to skip a module completely if you don't want it by replacing the name within the code itself. I plan on writing a future post in the future detailing just how easy it is to write a customized module, complete with a breakout of the variables that the script(s) rely on, so users can add functionality and features easier than ever (<hint hint> and hopefully you share them for inclusion into a future LRC release!)

The beginnings of LRC "modules". There will be more!

As I stated, the overall functions of the LRC did not change terribly much, some Startup folder hashing was added as well as also saving autoruns output to csv, which will be touched on in my next blog post. The next post will also be the public release of a tool that is also several months in the making, but also several months later than I had originally anticipated to release it. - download here 

MD5: 7bc32091c1e7d773162fbdc9455f6432
SHA256: 2c32984adf2b5b584761f61bd58b61dfc0c62b27b117be40617fa260596d9c63
Updated: September 5, 2019

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