Hello again readers and welcome back! It's been a little while ...OK, a long while... since I've made updates to the Live Response Collection. Rest assured for those of you who have used, and continue to use it, that I am still working on it, and trying to keep it as updated as possible. For the most part it has far exceeded my expectations and I have heard so much great feedback about how much easier it made data collections that users and/or businesses were tasked with. The next version of the LRC will be called Cedarpelta, and I am hoping for the release to take place by the end of this year.
As most Mac users have likely experienced by now, not only has Apple implemented macOS, they have also changed the file system to APFS, from HFS+. Because the Live Response Collection interacts with the live file system, this really does not affect the data collection aspects of the LRC. Although it DOES affect third party programs running on a Mac, as detailed in my previous blog post.
Although the new operating system updates limits what we can collect leveraging third party tools, there are a plethora of new artifacts and data locations of interest, and to ensure the LRC is collecting data points of particular interest, I've been working with the most knowledgeable Apple expert that I (and probably a large majority of readers) know, Sarah Edwards (@iamevltwin and/or mac4n6.com). As a result of this collaboration, one of the primary features of the next release of the LRC will be much more comprehensive collections from a Mac!
For the vast majority of you who use the Windows version of the Live Response Collection, don't fret, because there will be updates in Cedarpelta for Windows as well! These will primarily focus on Windows 10 files of interest, but also will include some additional functionality for some of the existing third-party tools that it leverages, like autoruns.
Autoruns 13.90 caused an issue, and was fixed very quickly once the issue was reported (thanks to @KyleHanslovan) |
As always, if there are any additional features that you would like to see the LRC perform, please reach out to me, through Twitter (@brimorlabs or @brianjmoran) or the contact form on my website (https://www.brimorlabs.com/contact/) or even by leaving a comment on the blog. I will do my best to implement them, but remember, the LRC was developed in a way that allows users to create their own data processing modules, so if you have developed a module that you regularly use, and you would like to (and have the authority to) share it, please do, as it will undoubtedly help other members of the community as well!